3/6 ($1 ante/$1 bring-in)- sometimes runs, always at least an interest list.sometimes 2/4, with 0.50 ante and bring-in (even more rare than 3/6).3/6 full kill - usually one table, sometimes two.But San Manuel has got you covered with a really great room. There are no other poker rooms for at least 40 or 50 miles in any direction. You drive right to the edge of town, but you don't have to drive on any winding 30-mile-per-hour roads along canyon edges to get here. Unlike most Indian casinos, San Manuel is not in a remote mountain area, but is nestled in the foothills of the Tehachapi mountains while still inside a Los Angeles suburban area. Call Guest Services at San Manuel for suggestions. Note that there is no hotel connected to San Manuel: if you want to stay here you will need to make other arrangements. Take 210 east to the Highland Ave exit (note: this is after 210 stops being an interstate highway and becomes CA-210), go east to the next major intersection at Victoria Avenue, turn left, and drive until the street ends at the San Manuel parking garage. San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino is a massive gambling complex in the foothills of Highland, about 60 miles east of Los Angeles. San Manuel, seen from the tour-bus entrance Hours